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Gentry Real Estate Affiliates


Michael Demke MBA

602 510 4484

Jordan Hodges


Jordan rents an office right here in our Gentry building and is super accessible, friendly and very knowledgeable to get your buyers into the right program. With many years of experience and a program to meet almost any buyer’s needs, Jordan is a great fit.

Title Companies

Photography / Video

For all your listing service needs, professional photos, drone aerials, post, sign and lockbox placement, single property websites, MLS data entry, and more. Patrick can do it all. The website is:

Home Warranty

Home Warranties are generally part of a real estate transaction and one thing unique about America’s Preferred Home Warranty is that your buyer can use their own trusted contractors to perform the warranty work.

Call Teri & visit

Home Inspectors

Home Inspections are always a recommended part of a real estate transaction and you don’t want to entrust this task to just anyone.

Call or order your inspection online at: www.Strattonins

Pest Control / Termite Inspections

Bugs & pests are part of the territory here in Arizona so between home purchase termite inspections & treatments to general needed pest control call Cody or visit his website:www.Dynamicpest